How To Campify
- Users must register an account with Campify in order to do the following:
- Create a training camp or event
- Join a camp or event, free or paid
- Leave a comment related to a specific camp or event
Camp/Event Instructions & General Rules
- Users must first register as “instructors” on the Campify platform before they can host a camp or event.
- To register as an instructor, users must follow these steps:
- Navigating to the user profile page by clicking “My Profile” on the application header. On mobile devices, the “My Profile” link can be accessed through the icon in the far right corner of the header
- Click the “Become an Instructor” button
- On this page, you will see the instructor dashboard. Hosting camps on the platform requires that you have a Stripe account which can be linked to your Campify account, and the ability for Campify to transfer funds to that account.
- Clicking the “Connect Stripe” button will transfer you to Stripe, and they will guide you through their secured application process.
- None of your personal financial or banking information is stored on Campify. Your Stripe Connect account number is stored only as a reference when transferring payments to your Stripe account.
- Once this process is complete, you will be navigated from Stripe's website back to the Campify homepage.
- If your account is linked and Stripe verifies your account has transfers enabled, you will need to complete your Instructor profile. This can be done by clicking the “Complete Profile to Host Camps” button on the Instructor Dashboard page. **please note that you will not see this option until your Stripe account is linked AND your Stripe account has transfers enabled. If either status does not update after applying, please contact Stripe for further instruction.**
- To complete your instructor profile, simply enter your school or university affiliation, your preferred email contact, a description of your expertise and offerings, as well as a photo.
Hosting a Camp or Event
- Once you have completed your instructor profile, you are able to host camps. To create a new camp, navigate to the instructor dashboard. There will now be a section titled Camp Details, where you will see a “Create New Camp” button, and a table where all of your current and previous camps will be listed.
- To create and host a new camp or event, you must enter the following:
- A camp title
- What sport the camp is related to
- A detailed description of the camp activities and expectations
- A photo related to the camp
- The location of the camp
- The start and end date of the camp
- The camp price (if there is no fee, check the “Free Access” box)
- If the attendance is limited, you can set a maximum number of participants. Otherwise, check the "No Limit" box.
- Camps are displayed on the homepage, ordered based on start date ascending.
- Clicking on a camp card displayed on the homepage will take you to a page further detailing the selected camp, where users will have the option to purchase a ticket.
- To see who has purchased tickets to your camp, navigate to the instructor dashboard, and click the specified camp title in the Camp Details table.
- This will take you to the Order Details page, where all ticket purchases will be listed, along with their name and purchase date.
- To edit information related to a posted camp or event, click the 'Edit' icon in the upper right corner of the camp card.
- To delete a camp or event, click the 'Delete' icon in the upper right corner of the camp card. Please note that any camp or event that has tickets purchased (i.e attendees) cannot be deleted for accounting purposes. In this case, the event will be canceled and tickets will no longer able to be obtained.
Joining a Camp or Event
- To join a camp, click on the camp's card listed on either the homepage, or the instructors profile page.
- Clicking the “Get Ticket” button will take you to a Stripe hosted, secure payment process.
- Once you've successfully submitted payment, you will be transferred back to your profile page on Campify. You will also see the camp listed under My Tickets.
- Camps or events that are canceled by the instructor will be refunded to the user in full.